Xara MenuMaker 1.1

Koleksi All In One, Xara Software Xara Software AIO | 85 Mb Isinya antara lain ...

Xara MenuMaker 1.1 Program for creating multilevel menus for websites. Xara Menu Maker includes templates menu, each of which can be customized colors, fonts, sizes, and, thus, to ensure that it will fit in the originally conceived design. Graphical menu items can be saved in formats GIF, JPG and PNG formats with different quality, thus saving the time required to load the page. Xara3D 6.0 Xara Xtreme Pro Xara Webstyle V4.07 Xara ScreenMaker 3D 1.0.1 Xara MenuMaker 1.1 Xara3D 6.0 The program for creating three-dimensional and animated texts, including a variety of headings, logos and banners, including flash, the rapid development of three-dimensional buttons, and other small graphics, as well as to create screensavers. DOWNLOAD DISINI

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